Thursday, February 28, 2013

DAY 71 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - Hanging In There

I have been up trying to help Trammell as
much as I can today. 
I want so desperately to get well.
I know how tiring it is to keep going 
24/7 day after day.
It is really taking it's toll on him.

I had to crawl back into bed a few minutes
ago.  I am so weak and now my side (my
liver) is hurting again.  I hardly had any
pain yesterday, And now here it comes
I am afraid to take anything for
the pain because just about everything
out there is bad for your liver.

Please be in Prayer concerning our
house in Greenville.  Through the 
help of a dear friend we are now in
contact with a lady who is trying to
help us.  
We are handing it ALL over to God.
        To HIM be the Glory

        My Favorite Verse
Isaiah 40:31
But those who hope in the Lord will
renew their strength.  They will soar
on wings like eagles; they will run and
not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I got to go to the doctor today.
BUT not without some stress.  
The nurse for David was supposed to be here at 1:30.   
1:30 came and no nurse. 
I'm on the phone trying to find out why.  
The office said she left at 12:45 headed
to our place, so she should be arriving at any moment.
1:45 - STILL no nurse.  
My appointment was at 2:30 
BUT I was to be there at 2:00 to fill
out ALL the paperwork to see if I could get
help with the doctor's office charges. 
we were not sure where the office was.  (We
knew they had built a new office but what
we didn't know was that it was in the same place.)

ANYWAY - she FINALLY got here and Trammell
and I took off to the elevator.  
Since this is the winter months there's never 
anyone in the elevator EXCEPT today.  
The door opened and there stood two guys.
No problem, they were also headed to the lobby.
BUT wait, it stopped on the 10th floor where another
man got on.  
It seemed like forever before the door closed 
then he walked over and press the button for the 9th floor.  
At this point Trammell and I are looking at each
other in disbelief.
The man got off at his stop 
and we FINALLY reached the lobby.
We got to the doctor's office at 2:15
BUT it took 1/2 hour to do the paper
I had our proof of income from Social Security
BUT they also wanted Trammell's, which we did not
have because he's almost 20
years old and I did not think they would count his
as being my income.
 AND THEN she said she needed a statement
for the unemployment agency to prove I was not 
(No, I was just thinking it, not saying it.)

I politely told her I had not worked outside the
home since I was 40 years old.  
I had given up my career to raise our son.
And for the past six years I had been taking care
of my bedridden husband 24/7.
She let me slide on that BUT we still have to fax
Trammell's disability income information first thing
in the morning.
SO after and hour and a half of waiting I FINALLY
got to see the doctor.
She had gotten my records for the hospital ER.  
She did more blood work.
She said she would call me in a couple of days with the results.
In the mean time she said I am indeed in liver
failure and my liver is damage BUT she feels
that over time it will repair itself.  

(The records from my annual physical showed
that my liver was in perfect health last year.)

We also believe my kidneys and heart will be fine.
She is also running some blood test to make
sure I have no heart damage.
I have NO doubt that Our 
will heal me completely.


Psalm 103:2-3
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all His benefits,
Who forgives all your iniquity,
who heals all your diseases;

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

DAY 69 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - My Best Day

I have felt better today than I have felt in 
No pain.  My energy level is up.  
I am beginning to feel like my old self.

Just in time for my doctor's appointment. 

I have to be at the doctor's office at 2:30
tomorrow.   I have no doubt that the numbers
will be so much better when they do my blood
I am PRAISING GOD for what HE 
has done and is STILL doing in our lives. 

Matthew 14:14
When he went ashore he saw a great crowd,
and he had compassion on them and 
healed their sick.

Monday, February 25, 2013

DAY 68 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - Way Too Much Time On Their Hands

Time after Time we see uploads on the
internet of things like the newest dances, 
crazy stunts, pranks, CATS(They are really cute)
 and SO much more.
And don't even get me started on GAMES
like farmville, and others.
AND let's not get started on the endless hours
that are spent in front of TVs.

The point is WHY OH WHY are
so many hours spent on things like that?
Instead of helping those in need.

It's not that people have 

It's that they are spending what time they
do have on things that do not matter.  
Things that are not HELPING anyone.

Just think, if all the time wasted on
things like that, were spent
helping the needy, 
feeding the hungry,
find homes for the homeless, 
bringing joy to those in nursing homes, 
teaching children to read, 
showing compassion, 
using our gifts God Blessed us with to help others 
and most important, using every waking moment to

Oh what a wonderful world this would be.

Galatians 6:9
And let us not grow weary of doing good
for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Matthew 5:7
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall
obtain mercy.

Hebrews 13:16
Do not forget to do good and to share
for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

Matthew 5:16
...let your light shine before others,
that they may see your good deeds
and glorify your Father in Heaven.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

DAY 67 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - A Visit From An Angel

We had a visit from an Angel today.
Her name is Anna Marie.
She brought our family groceries
PLUS homemade chicken soup that 
was out of this world!

Right before Anna Marie arrived
we received a phone call from a
sweet couple we know who lives
in Conway who is bringing us a load
of diapers, pads and gloves.  Three
things we really go through as we 
care for David.
They are bringing them next

GOD is Really Blessing Us!

My Sweet Daddy has been gone for two months now.
Today would have been his 76th Birthday.
Still hard to believe he and Mama are gone.

I have now been bedridden for 11 days BUT
I have no doubt that GOD is healing me. I
am feeling a little better every day.


Romans 12:13
Share with the Lord's people who are in need.
Practice hospitality.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

DAY 66 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - Trading The Ocean For The Forest

On April 7th we will be trading the
beautiful Atlantic Ocean for the
peacefulness of the Forest.  

We will be moving into the mobile
home that my sister is giving to

We will be within walking distance
of my sister and my brother & his 

I want to help Trammell turn this 
place into a 
"Rustic Cabin In The Woods"
kind of place.  

We are Praying that I will have my
health back by then And be my
old workaholic self.

Isaiah 40:31
But those who hope in the LORD 
will renew their strength.  They will
soar on wings like eagles; they will
run and not grow weary, they will
walk and not faint.

Friday, February 22, 2013

DAY 65 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - Be Someone's Guardian Angel

I have been in the bed for 8 days now.
I know I needed rest BUT this is really
NOT what I had in mind.

Trammell is going to need A LOT of 
rest after I am back on my feet. He
is still working so hard to take care
of us.  
It's so hard on him but he never complains.

I 'm still getting light head. 
Still feeling really tired. 
(I'm thinking that must
be because my body's not getting 
all those vitamins I was taking.)  
Still hurting a lot in the 
area of my liver and my kidneys 
I do feel like I'm getting better.

Our shipment of diapers arrived
today!  And not a minute to soon.
We were down to two diapers.
We were Blessed to be able to
order six cases this time and even
able to send two cases to a 
sweet lady in Greenville who is
in her 70's, is the caregiver 
for her husband Plus working 
2 jobs!  
The system is SO messed up. 
She's like us,
She still can't get Medicaid for him 
or even food stamps.
It's just not right.

If you know anyone who is going
through difficult times 
be a Guardian Angel for them.
Little things go a long way when
you are in need.

Bless others and I promise 
you will be the one feeling Blessed.

Romans 15:1
Now we that are strong ought to
bear the infirmities of the weak
and not to please ourselves.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

DAY 64 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE? - Did I Really Say Paradise?

I know that if I Google the word PARADISE 
it will say nothing remotely close to what we
are living through. 
I do know for a fact that a True PARADISE
is waiting for me.

If this life here on earth was indeed a PARADISE
we wouldn't long for Heaven as much.

Everyday it seems that something else happens
to knock us down.  
The devil tries in every way to beat us up.
In fact he's the Original "Bully".

is he's a LOSER with a capital "L"

The devil may win a few battles BUT
we know Who's Winning The War.
Our Lord Jesus CHRIST!

We Are and always will
Place it ALL in HIS Hands.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith.
Be courageous. Be strong. And do
everything with love.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

DAY 63 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - They Charged Me WHAT?!

Like so many other Americans 
I can't afford health insurance so
the lady at the hospital checkout gave me a number
to call to where I could apply for financial assistance
with my bill for the 2 hours I spent in the ER. 

I called the number today and spoke with someone 
who said she could take my application right over the 
phone.  The first thing she asked about was our 
Since our house had been signed back over
to me in last Sept. that became a problem.  
She asked what the County tax appraisal 
was on the house.
I tried to explain to her that the house had been damaged
and was no longer worth what they had appraised
it for.  I told her we were trying to sale it for
$60,000 LESS that what it had appraised at
BUT she said they had to go by the County
appraisal so therefore we did not qualify for
ANY assistance.
She then begin telling me what I owed.  Keep
in mind that all the did was diagnose my Liver
Failure and send me home.  
They did nothing to help me.
The bill for the two hours I was there is over
$2,000.  BUT she said, that's NOT counting the
Lab work OR the doctor's bill! 

Can I tell you how WRONG this is.

I had just gotten off the phone with her when
a lady from the Medicaid office called.  We are
once again TRYING to get Medicaid for David.
I had filled out the endless stack of paperwork 
and copied all the documents they had asked for
and mailed it all in about three weeks ago.

The lady called today to tell me that I had until
Friday to send them proof that a term life insurance 
policy we had had on me that had be canceled 
because the premiums went sky high after the term
had expired, or the application would be denied.
(I had not mentioned the policies.  They pulled
them up from the old records where I had applied
before I guess.)
WHAT - I don't have any proof of that!
When I told her I was sick and that I had no 
proof of that canceled policy, with a very stern voice,
she said I could have until the 28th but that was it.  
She then gave me her fax #.

I began going through old insurance papers
and found the last bill I had received from
them.  Trammell went down stairs where
the girls at the front desk faxed it for us.

Please Pray that this time David will be 
approved for help.

I have to say, the people here at Bay Watch
are SO sweet.  They have done
so much for us.  
We will truly miss them all.

Psalm 55:17
Evening and morning and noon I will pray,
and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

DAY 62 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - Just Trying To Stay Healthy

Still getting over the shock of being told I 
have Liver Failure.

A bigger shock was finding out what caused it.  

What I thought was making me healthy 
was in reality killing me.

I have always been a health nut.
Always been a Vitamin taker.
Up until yesterday I took 13 vitamins a day
Along with two tablespoons of Yellow Root
every morning and every night.

What I did not know was the excess vitamins 
were damaging my liver AND that Yellow Root 
becomes toxic after taken for an extended 
period of time.
Together they have caused my Liver Failure.

I have learned a lot about liver damage in
the past two days.
I've learned that the liver will repair itself.  
BUT I've also learned that the liver
repairs itself as we SLEEP!

S L E E P?!
What's that?  
I vaguely remember what that is. 

No wonder my liver is so messed up.

I AM doing everything they said to do.
Drinking water, water, water.
Eating only fresh fruits and veggies.
Staying in the bed all day and night.

Poor Trammell is still working so hard
to take care of David and me that now his 
health is suffering. 

PRAYER is still needed for all of us.

We know with all our heart that

God's Plan Is Always Best

Still Praising HIM in the Storm
Just as we Praise HIM in the Sunshine.

Psalm 62:8 in HIM at all times. Pour out your
heart to HIM, for God is our Refuge.

Monday, February 18, 2013


I have Liver Failure?
WOW, that got my attention.

I had a rough night last night with pain and fever
first thing this morning I called the
Dr. office to tell them.  
The nurse and I decided the best thing 
to do was to head on over to the ER.

Which for us is not that simple.

I got in touch with RESTCARE HOMECARE.
They found a nurses aid who could come right
over to take care of David.

She arrived around 10:45.

Trammell then drove me to Seacoast Medical Center
in Little River about 2 miles north of North Myrtle Beach.
Poor thing was a nervous wreck by the time he
got me there.  BUT I think he did a Great Job.

Now one of the Great things about a small town
is that there's no waiting in the waiting room
at the ER.  We had not sat down good when
they called my name.
A really sweet lady took us straight back to one of
the examination rooms and within 5 minutes
the doctor was there.  An EKG was run, blood
was taken, and more.  
Not to mention, friends were made,
Testimony was shared, tears were shed and 
lives were touched.

In less than two hours we were on our way home
with a diagnosis.

That's the scary part.
The diagnosis is LIVER FAILURE.

(I remember the days when they would have NEVER
let you leave the hospital with a diagnosis like
Not Today. 
They said I need to call a Dr. Vukov
who's an Gastroenterology in Myrtle Beach.

Well, after they told me I need to see him within
2 to 3 days, I went ahead and called on the way 
home to get my appt.
I spoke to a girl who sent me to someones voice mail 
to leave my info.
By 4:00pm I still had not received a return call
SO I called back.  
The guy who answered the phone and was very 
short with me when I explained the reason for my call, 
told me it would be two to three DAYS before they would
be able to get back with me to even SET UP
an appointment.
(Now I'm sure if it were his wife, mother or
child it would not take that long.  And he surely
would not have spoken to them that way either.)

More Compassion He Needs - As Yoda would say.

I want to ask for your Prayers as we begin this
We Pray for God's healing touch so that I may
get my strength back and continue to care for 
my family.  
BUT above all, we Pray for God's
Will to be done and that He receives All the Glory
for All Things.

Matthew 21:22
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in Prayer,
believing ye shall receive.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Poor Trammell is working so hard taking
care of David and me.
It breaks my heart to see him go through
He has been on his feet too much.
He is in so much pain with his back.

This is not the life I had dreamed of
for my son.
Only 19 years old and he has lived
through things most people will never
have to endure.

BUT complain?
I never hear him complain.
He just says,  
"Please Mom, Please get better. I wish 
there was something more I could do."

I Pray with all my heart that I'll get better soon.

I Pray that some day soon Trammell will have
the life he so richly deserves.

I Pray that God Blesses him far beyond his dreams. 

I know without a doubt that God has huge plans
for Trammell and that all he has been through
and is going through is training for God's purpose.
For God's Plan.

Trammell has grown into a wonderful man of God.  
I am so very proud of him.
He is indeed my HERO.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,"
declares the LORD, "plans to prosper
you and not to harm you, plans to give
you hope and a future.

Zechariah 13:9
This third I will bring into the fire;
I will refine them like silver and test
them like gold.  They will call on my
name; I will say, ''They are my people.''
and they will say, ''The LORD is our God."

Saturday, February 16, 2013

DAY 59 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - Sick Days

This is the third day I have rested after my
episode Thursday.
I am feeling much better now than I have
felt since then although I did have another 
small episode today.  
I get really tired just being up for a few 
So looking forward to getting to the Doctor
Thursday to get some real answers about
getting back to my old self.

Praising God that I am feeling better!  

We had a few seconds of excitement here
today as we saw a few snow flakes flying
around in the air but it didn't last long. 
The sun is out now and is creating a 
beautiful sunset.

I am Praying that I'll get my strength
back so that I can begin the task of
packing ONCE AGAIN to move 
ONCE AGAIN to the Upstate 
Oh Yes, I'm tired just thinking 
about it.
BUT I know our Lord will give me
the strength I need to carry on.

Psalm 37:24
Though they stumble, they will never fall,
for the Lord holds them by the hand. 

Friday, February 15, 2013


When I was growing up my favorite cartoon
was "Underdog".  
It's first episode aired on my 6th birthday, Oct. 3rd, 1964.
I can still hear that shy little dog saying, 

By the way kids, that's back when cartoons 
only came on a few hours on Saturday
morning.  You didn't dare sleep late.

Did you know we have a 
I can hear HIM saying now

Every problem I have,
Every worry,
Every Fear
Is ALL taken care of.

Every worry I had yesterday
Is gone today.

God has answered every Prayer.

    I am feeling somewhat better today.
    I have a Dr.'s appt. for next Thursday.
    We thing we know now what is wrong.  
    For months I have been boiling Yellow Root
    (other words known as Golden Seal) and
    making a tea from it and taking a couple 
    of table spoons each night and every morning,
    Thinking it would be good for me.  
    What I did not know until this morning was that 
    it is Toxic when taken in excess, especially
    for that long.
    I spoke with a nurse who said she was amazed
    that I'm still alive. Needless to say I'm NOT 
    doing THAT any longer.  We will find out next
    week if there's any long term damage.

    I've been concerned about where we would live
    while we figure out what's going to happen to
    our house in Greenville. I knew it would be a
    nightmare if we had to move back in to do 
    Well, my sister called today to tell me she is
    giving Trammell her mobile home in Easley.
    We will move there in April.  It's within walking
    distance of her house and my brother and his family.

    Now I know when something happens 
    to David or to me, Trammell will have a 
    home and he will be near family.

    We have also had two donations during the past
    week that not only allowed me to pay the over
    due taxes on our house and other needs but also 
    enabled us to help a family in need keep their 
    power from being turned off.  

   Yes, I can hear GOD saying,

Every problem, Every worry, Every fear,
                 taken care of.

Isaiah 41:10
The Lord said, "Do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will
strengthen you and help you;  I will uphold you
with my righteous right hand."

Isaiah 65:24
I will answer them before they even call to me.
While they are still talking about their needs,
I will go ahead and answer their prayers.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

DAY 57 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - In The Blink Of An Eye

I was feeling great.  
Ran a couple of errands.
I had just left BiLo where I had picked up milk,
and was on the phone with Trammell letting
him know I was almost home.
Then It Happened.
I began blacking out.
My entire body was going limp.
My heart was racing like it was going to explode.

I pulled into the medium of the road 
and put the car into part using all
the strength I had.

I sat there doing some deep breathing,
trying not to pass completely out
and trying to tell Trammell what was
I could here the fear in his 
voice as he was saying, 
"Stay with me Mom! Talk
to me Mom!  Hold On Mom!"

I started feeling like I was no longer 
going to pass out.  
I put the car into drive
and eased up the middle of the road 
to tune off of highway 17 to get
to the back road. (Ocean Blvd.)

I would be able to drive slowly there until
I could get home.
My heart was still racing and I still felt so weak
but I just wanted to get back home.

Trammell stayed on the phone with me until
I arrived where he met me in the parking lot.  
He helped me from
the car and up to our condo.

I got into my PJ's and sat down as he fixed 
I called the doctor's office I used to go to
when we lived here before.  
I have no insurance and they have 
a program where you pay by what your
income is.
They called back in a while but could not
work me in.  The nurse spoke with me
and got me the earliest appt  I could get.
Next Thursday, Feb. 21st at 11:00,
I will go in for a much needed Check-Up. 

We seem to think that between all these years
with hardly any sleep, the fact that 
I've run 24/7/365 days a year for six years 
without any down time AND the stress over 
our house AND the fact that we 
have to be out of here in 43 days but still
don't know if we will have to move back 
into our house in Greenville to do repairs
or if we can get it sold. If so we need to 
find a place to lease down here because it's now 
to late to find and buy something before
we need to be out of here.
This place is already booked with vacationers
after we move out. 

I can't help but have all this on my mind.

BUT  I'm not worried.  
I know GOD has a Plan
and everything will work to HIS GLORY.

Please keep us in your Prayers.

Still PRAISING HIM in the storm
just as we PRAISE HIM in the sunshine.

2 Corinthians 12:10
Now I take limitations in stride, and with
good cheer, these limitations that cut me
down to size - abuse, accidents, opposition,
bad breaks.  I just let CHRIST take over!
And so the weaker I get, the stronger I

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

DAY 56 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - Wax Off - Wax On

If you remember the original "Karate Kid"movie
from 1984, you will remember that famous line.
            Wax On - Wax Off
It was the beginning of the "kid's" training.

That's how I feel right now.

Trammell has created his own exercise program.

He is doing great and the pounds are coming off.

He was even able to walk through 
Wal-Mart with no problem 
Sunday after Church when we had 
our weekly outing. 

Normally he would have been winded, pouring
perspiration and in need of a place to sit down
by the time we finished getting groceries. (He can't
feel his legs or feet so it's like dragging dead weight)

He is doing so well with his workout plan that I decided
to let him train me.  
Let me tell you, I have worked out
and been in Gyms my whole life.  
BUT during the past six years it's
been an up hill battle trying to stay 
in any kind of shape due to taking care 
of my family.  
I have never been this out of shape.

SO after two days of Trammell's workout plan 
I can hardly MOVE. 
Of course I'm still go full force.
               BUT OH MY BODY IS SOOOO SORE!

Jillian Michaels has nothing over this guy. LOL

He keeps asking me in that "Jillian tone"
      "Are You Going To Give Up?"
He knows me so he knows my answer is 
        "NO!  I'm NOT GIVING UP!
         No Pain No Gain",  I Whine.

Trammell is also cooking some Awesome food
for lunch each day.  
Rice and fresh veggies every day.  
He and I both could live on that.

And David,  He's so cute, when I take him
his plate I say "Look Sweetie! We're having
Chinese Food today! 
(Of course he has no memory of the day before.)
He get's so excited!  His eyes light up and he smiles 
as I place his food in front of him and then give him
his fortune cookies.  (He always wants two.)

(Trammell found a place on line where we could
order a big bag of them a lot cheaper than buying
them at the grocery store.)
David breaks his them open and hands me the fortune.
He munches on the cookies as I read the fortune to him.
I have to watch him because he has tried to eat
the cookie "fortune and all".

It's so simple to live a healthy life.
So why do we as humans always complicate things.
The food we are eating in basic,
fresh vegetables washed and tossed in a wok.
Rice tossed in a rice cooker.
25 to 30 minutes the meal is on the table.
For dessert we each have an orange or
a tangerine. YUM

The workout Trammell has created takes 
20 to 30 minutes - done in the living room floor
right before we eat lunch.
(It could be done before breakfast or dinner)

I've said it before and I'll say it again,
Trammell,   My Son - My Hero.

Genesis 1:29
And God said, "Behold, I have given you every
plant yielding seed that in on the face of all the 
earth, and every tree with seed in it's fruit.
You shall have them for food.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Or do you not know that your body is a temple
of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have
from God?  You are not your own, for you
were bought with a price.  So glorify God in
your body.

1 Corinthians 10:31
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever
you do, do all to the glory of God.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

DAY 55 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - Our House

It's funny how something you once held
so dear becomes the object of you

Our dream home.

It took us a year of searching for the 
         "PERFECT HOME"
But finally, after looking at what must
have been 100 homes, A little over two
weeks before Mother's Day 2000 we 
walked into our DREAM HOME.

The Friday before Mother's Day was
our closing date.  
The next day we moved in and by Sunday 
we were having our Mother's Day cookout
with my Mom, Dad and the rest of
my family enjoying our new back yard.

Like so many other families we became
obsessed with creating the PERFECT
David was constantly working
on the yard.  
It was amazing.
My obsession was the inside.  
Every room had to look like a picture 
right out of the latest interior design magazine.

Trammell now laughs about how I would 
get on to him if the pillows on the sofa were
not placed back in their designated spot
after he got up.
I would smile and say, "I only want it perfect."

Funny how God teaches us lessons. 

Twice during the past six years, as we
have lived through the nightmare our
family has endured, our house has
been destroyed.
Both times, as I walked through the 
devastation I could hardly remember 
it's former glory.

The lesson I have learned from this
however is one that I should have known
all along. 
Never attach yourself to the treasures
of this world for they will soon crumble.

I have a home waiting for me that will
never be destroyed. 
There will be no devastation.  
For this home is waiting for me in Glory. 
And I can't wait to see my Mama and Daddy
walk through the door. 

(You know, I won't EVEN care where 
they leave the sofa pillows.) 

Job 1:12
... The LORD gave and the LORD
has taken away; may the name of
the LORD be praised.

2 Corinthians 5:1
Now we know that if the earthly
tent we live in is destroyed, we
have a building from God, an
eternal house in heaven, not
built by human hands.  

Monday, February 11, 2013

DAY 54 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - One Full Week Of Sleep!

Today marks the first full week of my
"6 straights hours a night" of sleep.

Trammell and I began one week ago taking
shifts each night so I could begin getting
REAL sleep.
After 6 YEARS of only 2 hour naps at night 
and fast forward, chaotic days,
I could feel my body and mind shouting down.

BUT now I am beginning to feel like my old
I am so GRATEFUL to Trammell for taking
the first shift every night.

Still One Day At A Time
One Prayer At A Time.

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

DAY 53 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - What An Awesome Day

Trammell and I had an Awesome Day.

It's a very rare thing for us to get to 
leave the house on Sunday.
BUT we had a nurse for 4 Glorious
hours today.

Of course this means we won't 
be getting a nurse again until
week after next But Oh was it worth it!

on Main Street in North Myrtle Beach
and WHAT A BLESSING it was
to be in GOD'S HOUSE!

To show you how God works.

1. The Sermon was about TAKING

What An Awesome Message.
We try to do that every day.

2. This really sweet couple sat
beside us in Church.  We didn't
speak, only shook hands and 
After Church Trammell
and I grabbed a bite to eat and
then ran to Wal-Mart for a few
groceries where right there in 
the produce section we met that
same sweet couple.

What a Blessing.  
We talked for a half an hours. 
We shared our Testimony.

They seemed like old friends.

They are from North Carolina and
are not down here that much but
when they are they really love 
attending Barefoot Church.

The funny thing was after we parted ways 
Trammell and I rushed to finish
out grocery shopping and took off to
the U-Scan to check out.  Who do you 
think was standing in line?  That sweet
couple.  We talked and laughed as we
waited to check out.

What A Blessing!
What A Wonderful Day!


Matthew 5:16
...let your light shine before others,
that they may see your good deeds
and glorify your Father in Heaven.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

DAY 52 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - Can't Wait Until The Morning!

I feel like I'm waiting on CHRISTmas Morning!

I am so excited!

We have a nurse tomorrow so that Trammell
and I can go TO CHURCH!

We are going to attend BAREFOOT CHURCH
here in North Myrtle Beach.  

Although we have Bible Study and Prayer Time 
every morning, 
(Trammell and I have done so since he was born.  
It's like breathing to him.)
There's nothing like walking into God's House
on Sunday Morning.

The best Preacher I've ever heard, (Pastor David 
Shirley, who was our Pastor at Mtn. Creek Baptist Church)
always talked about coming to God's house 
for a helping of "T-Bone Steak". 

Well,  I'm here to tell ya I can't wait to sit down
tomorrow at God's table and have a meal I won't
soon forget.
I'm Craving some  "T-Bone Steak"!

Matthew 5:6
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst
for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Our God Is Truly An AWESOME GOD!

How Wonderful it is to watch God at work.
To see and experience His Miracles.

Time after time God has supplied our
every need and today was no exception.

Not only did he provide the money we so
desperately needed to be able to pay the
taxes on our house in Greenville (that was
severely damaged and then sign back over
to us) BUT we have money for food and 

Again, I am ashamed for even one second 
that I spend of this precious life, worrying 
about anything.


Mark 4:40
Jesus said to them, "Why are you afraid?
Have you no faith?"

Thursday, February 7, 2013

DAY 50 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - Where To Next?

When I started writing this blog on the
last 100 days of our stay here on the coast
of South Carolina it was to document our
time in this wonderful place. 

To keep a diary of our day to day "nightmare" 
life that has been eased in some ways by being 
able to look out over the beautiful Atlantic Ocean 
for 5 glorious months.

By now, how ever, we thought for sure we
would know where our next move would
BUT we are still in the dark.  
Still no closing on our house.
Still No closing DATE.

To make matters worse,  
It now looks like we may even be 
forced to move back into our house for 
a second time and AGAIN have to repair 
thousands of dollars worth of damage. 

It's like a horrible recurring nightmare.

With only 50 days left before we have to 
be out of here we have no idea what to do
at this point.


If there is no closing we will have no other
choice but to move back into the house come 
March 31st and live in the down stairs living room.
I will have to do the repairs myself which will 
take years.

I'm tired just thinking about it.

I am in a panic every time I think of it.

I know it's just the devil trying to beat
me up.

I must stop this worrying.

I am handing it ALL over to our Lord.  
He has it all under control.

Ephesians 3:20
Now all glory to God, who is able,
through his mighty power at work
within us, to accomplish infinitely
more than we might ask or think.
                                    See our 
                                    family's story at 


Wednesday, February 6, 2013


the devil is trying to beat us up.
He wants us to worry.
He wants us to think the worst.


We know he's never going to win.
Trouble is, he just hasn't realized it yet.
Oh but he will.

For you see, God is in control
And as long as HE is in control
ALL things will be done 
according to HIS PLAN.

And we all know HIS PLAN 
is ALWAYS Best.


We PRAISE HIM in the Storm
just as we PRAISE HIM in the Sunshine.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," 
declares the Lord, "plans to prosper
you and not to harm you,  plans to
give you hope and a future.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

DAY 48 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - Another Day At "The Office"

We made it BACK to the Dr.'s office.
And after a little over three hours we
were headed back to SONIC for treats.

I will say that I was good. LOL
I did NOT order the Chocolate Milkshake
WITH extra whipped cream topping 
like I REALLY wanted.
Instead, I had a Diet Coke.

We ate in the van. 
(That's why I love Sonic, 
we don't have to go through the ordeal of getting
David out of the van and then back in. 
It's just easier.)  
He seems to really like it too.

Of course by the time we got home (15 minutes
later) he had no memory of Sonic OR the Dr.'s

By the way, the night time shifts Trammell and I are 
doing as we care for David are really working.  
We both are getting about
6 straight hours of sleep each night.
I really feel like a new women!

Now, if we can just work on these 

1 Corinthians 16:13,14
Be on guard.  Stand firm in the faith.
Be courageous.  Be strong.
And do everything with love.

Monday, February 4, 2013

DAY 47 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - David's Dr. Visit

I have been trying to get David to the doctor for well over a month.
You wouldn't think it would be that big of a deal 
it has turned into this huge nightmare.

First we find out in November, 
after we get moved down here 
that Humana had canceled his health insurance 
because we had moved out of the Upstate.

I had to start ALL OVER.  
Sign him BACK up with a new agent
just as if he had NEVER HAD HUMANA before.

SO Ridiculous!

I get him signed up.

Then have to wait weeks before it took affect.

Then find a doctor who accepted Humana 
AND new patients.

Found one - Made an appointment.

The day before his appointment was the day I came down
with that VIRUS. 
 I could hardly crawl from the bathroom to the bed 
SO there was no way I could get him to the Dr.'s office.
I had to call and cancel.  

I rescheduled - for Feb. 4th at 3:00pm

TODAY, so we thought.

Trammell and I get him there 
(which is a MAJOR ORDEAL)
at 2:30 so that I would be able
to fill out the mountain of paperwork
that they would not mail to me in advance.

I get half of it filled out when I am called
by the lady at the window who informed
me that David's appointment was for 
At 3:00pm.

I did ask if they could just work him in 
since we were already there.

The doctors were having a meeting
this afternoon and could NOT work
anyone in.

Have you ever just wanted to sit down
and fall apart?

Me Neither.
I mean REALLY, 
Who has the time?

I got the boys back into the van and 
took them to SONIC DRIVE-IN for
a treat.

I calmed my nerves with something
I haven't allowed myself to have in
quite a while.
(wait - it gets worse)
It was topped with

The scary thing is
This just may happen again 
BUT with Extra Whipped Cream.

James 1:2
Consider it all joy, my brethren,
when you encounter various trials, ...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

DAY 46 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - 5 Years Ago Today

Five years ago today. 
Super Bowl Sunday - 02-03-08
Trammell went from being a perfectly
healthy 14 year old boy to being
paralyzed from the waist down in
a matter of 10 minutes, 
with no warning.

Acute Transverse Myelitis.
A Virus we had never heard of
had just turned our would upside down 

This was one year and a little over a month
from the first time our world had been 
turned upside down. 
The morning David went into Cardiac Arrest
and was dead for over an hour causing 
severe irreversible brain damage.

Trammell lost his "Dad" that Christmas morning
And had now lost his ability to walk.

(You can see our entire story at our website -

As far as the Super Bowl goes tonight,
we won't be watching it.
we do hope that "Coach Harbaugh"
leads his team to a Victory!!!

Ephesians 6:10
Be Strong in the Lord
and in the power of His might.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

DAY 45 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - I Think We Have It Figured Out!

OK, So Trammell and I, after all these years, 
have come up with a way for me to get 6 straight
hours of sleep each night.
At 8:00 each night I will go to bed and Go To Sleep.
I will sleep until 2:00am while Trammell takes
care of David.  Then after he checks him at midnight
he will set the timer for 2:00am, then set it beside my 
bed.  Trammell will then go to sleep and I will be on duty.

We are Praying this works out.

I have only had 48 nights of sleep now in 2,223
nights.  I really don't know how much more my 
body or mind can take.  It is only through GOD'S
GRACE that I am able to function at all.

I can literally feel my body shutting down.

Please Pray that this idea we have come up
with works.  

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through CHRIST
who strengthens me.
                                                           Please see our story at

Friday, February 1, 2013

DAY 44 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - Grateful To Be Sitting Down

Writer's Block tonight.
I sat down to write and I'm just sitting here
with a blank mind.

BUT so Grateful to be sitting down!

My body and mind are so tired I can't think.

Another long day that followed another long

Trammell's foot is getting somewhat better so 
he has offered to take care of David tonight.

He was worried about me today when after 
I ran to get groceries,
(by the way remind me NEVER to do that
on a Friday before the Super Bowl Again!)
Anyway, I got back with the groceries, I had 
to park down in front of the third tower. (We are
in the second tower.) I had 4 of our carrier bags
full with three gallons of  milk, soft drinks, rice, 
and other assorted  "Not So Light" grocery items.

Determined NOT to have to make two trips in that
cold miserable wind I carried all 4 bags at once. 

By the time I managed to get to our building and up
to the 12th floor (Thank Goodness for elevators)
I could hardly open our door.  
I stood there with the door barely cracked open, 
calling out to Trammell.
I literally did not have the strenght to open 
it and walk in.  
Trammell opened up the door and dragged two bags
of the groceries down the hall as I limped behind
him with the rest. 
Yes, I was Whining. LOL
Not A Fun Day.

David is still going through a ton of diapers.  
Had to order yet another two cases this morning.

Praying we get some diaper donations soon.
BUT at the same time I feel terrible even saying that.

You see, The diapers that are donated to us come 
from places like Hospice.  It's things that
are left over when someone has passed away and the 
family doesn't know what to do with the items.

Families like ours are in desperate need of these things.

If you or someone you know has diapers, bed pads
or any supplies like that please contact me.  
If we can't use them we can find those who can.

Psalm 37:24
Though they stumble, they will never fall,
for the Lord holds them by the hand.