Sunday, November 30, 2014

Gifts From The Past

As I watched The Santa Claus 2 movie the other night, the part where Scott is giving all the teachers these really great gifts from their past, Toys they enjoyed as children, I thought of how wonderful it would be to do that for those who are in Nursing Homes and those who are bedridden at home.

I always try and find retro replica toys from the 60's and 70's for David for CHRISTmas and Birthday.
He spends hours playing with them.

What a Great project this would be for Church Groups, Sunday School Classes or Youth Groups  this Season.
What a Joy it will be
to bring such Joy to others.

  Hebrews 13:16
Do not forget to do good and to share for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Season Of Helping

I have been helping others for as long as I can remember.
My Mama and Daddy did for as long as I can remember.

It's like breathing.
I was brought up to believe It's just what you do.

I believe with every fiber of my being that we are placed on this earth for
and that is

1. To Give our Hearts to CHRIST and Serve HIM.

2. To Help Others

The sooner in life we realize this the sooner our lives begin to make since.
Be aware,
For that's also when the devil will begin to attack, trick and try to lure you away from the Amazing Plan God has for your life.
Young people, I know this from first hand experience. Don't fall for his tricks.

Stay focused on God.

Stay focused on your Ministry.
Yes, we All Have A Ministry.
It involves serving God and Helping others.

Stay Focused on your Mission.
God will lead you to those HE wants you to help and HE will also lead you to those who are to help you.

               Galatians 6:9
And let us not grow weary of doing good for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

We Fall To Our Knees

"What we do with our knees gives evidence of what we believe in our hearts."

Each morning after Trammell and I have Bible Study I fall to my knees, take Trammell by the hand and we Pray.
We've done this his entire life.

This morning I pondered the significance of why we fall to our knees to Pray.  I began to look up Bible verses that talk about this.
Then I ran across this wonderful quote.

"What we do with our knees gives evidence of what we believe in our hearts."

We must have a humble heart.

We must humble ourselves before the LORD.

I Believe when I am falling to my knees to Pray that I am relinquishing Any and All power I may have or rather, Think I may have over my own life to our Father  in Heaven.
I am humbling myself before CHRIST and giving HIM Full Control over me and over all aspects of my life.
Not only that but I am showing Honor and Respect to HIM.

  I guess we should ask ourselves, why would we
NOT fall to our knees to Pray.

This week in our lives is a perfect example of
the Power Of Prayer.
Again we saw
Miracle after Miracle.

As we are Still dealing with our house Nightmare ,Trammell and I had to drive to Columbia Wednesday for me to testify.  We were gone for 12 & 1/2 hours.  We had to have nursing care for David during that time, which, of course we had No money for.
on Tuesday we received a phone call telling us that the Respite Voucher I had applied for months ago had been approved and that we could begin using the Nursing hours the very next day.
Talk about an ON TIME GOD.

Then on Wednesday as we sat in the Hearing it was truly like David and Goliath as the other side came with two Attorneys and four witnesses and there we were, just Trammell and me.
The only difference was WHO else we had with us. Our LORD.
HE was and is ALL we need.

After an almost 5 hour hearing the verdict came in and we were PRAISING GOD All the way home, even through 5:00 Traffic in Columbia.
God got us safely through THAT too.
HE continues to carry us Safely Through All Things and we Fall to our Knees and

 Ephesians 3:14-16
 "When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father,
the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth.
I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit."

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Our son Trammell saw a T-shirt online this week that read,
"I Love Sleep
It's like being dead
Without the Commitment"


He read it to me when he saw it because he knew I'd get a kick out of it.
Sleep is a REALLY Big deal to me because of the Lack of it in my life.
As a matter of fact during the  past few days I have been experiencing something that's happened to me once or two a years since our family's Journey began.  Where my body feels like it just wants to shut down. Where I am So Exhausted that my whole body aches.  I whin with every chore I do, every diaper I change.  All I want to do is lay down and SLEEP.
For the past two nights I've managed to get all my night time chores done, get David ready for the night and get in the bed by 8:00.  I am asleep before my head hits the pillow.
I vaguely remember Trammell coming in my room around 12:30 to tell me he checked on David and he's resetting my timer.  I've then been getting up between 2:30 and 3:30 to check on David and change his diaper. He's usually always wet around that time. I check him again around 4:30. Then I'm up to stay between  6 & 7.
These past two nights have been easy nights for me. Catching up on sleep but Trammell is now dragging from picking up the slack.

As any Caregivers knows first hand, you are ON DUTY 24/7/365.
One way to describe it for those who have never been a caregiver for anyone who's  bedridden, is, well, it's like the first few weeks and months when you bring a newborn home.  Yep, but instead of weeks or months, it years.

I started my new job Monday.
I was disappointed to see that I was only getting to work around 18 hours for the entire month. We are is such desperate need of funds just for necessities and with CHRISTmas coming I was in hopes I'd make enough extra to get Trammell and David a nice gift.
But maybe God is telling me they would rather have me here and healthy than to work myself to death.
I know HE Will Work All Things Out For HIS GLORY.
Not going to worry about a thing.

I want to ask that you all be in Prayer this week as Trammell and I have to drive to Columbia for me to testify in one of the cases involving our house Nightmare.
May our LORD'S GLORY Shine in this entire situation. May HIS Will be done. We Give It ALL Over to HIM.

   Isaiah 41:10
The Lord said, "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you;  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Saturday, November 1, 2014

I Got The Job

We are Still PRAISING GOD. 
I got the job I had Applied for!

This will mean so much to our family. 
We Know
   that God will work out a way for us to have care for David when Trammell can't care for him and I am at work.

We Know
   that our Lord will give Trammell and me the strength and energy to do ALL of this.

We Know
   HE will continue to carry us through.
HE has carried us through

We Know
that this is another one of

James 1:12 “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”