Saturday, December 28, 2013

A New Year

In just a few days we will say goodbye to yet another year.

I believe with all my heart that 2014 will begin a New Chapter in our family's Journey.   I believe GOD has Huge Plans.

As CHRISTmas Day passed so did another Anniversary of when our Journey began.  7 Years Ago CHRISTmas Day our lives changed forever.
(For those who are just beginning to read my blog you can see our journey at

As I look toward the coming year, I do so with Great Expectations and Excitement in my Heart. 
I Give This and Every Year over To God.  May HIS PLANS be our Plans.  May HE Have FULL CONTROL Over Every Day and Night of This and Every Year of our lives.

Fasten your seatbelts and hold on tight as we begin our journey into 2014!


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Merry CHRISTmas

This CHRISTmas for us, like so many others, means a Road Trip.

Something that used to bring joy and excitement but ask anyone who's traveled with a bedridden patient and they can probably tell you a few stories.

Have you ever tried to find a place to change a six foot baby's diaper?
Yes, some Rest-Stops have
"Family Facilities"
but the times I've needed them the doors were locked and there was no one around to unlock them. 

Or like all the times I taken David to potty in the "Lady's" side of the Rest-Stop. Oh Boy have we gotten some Looks.

Or the time he refused to leave and sat there In the stall In the lady's restroom for over an hour.

Or the time his diaper overflowed in a Subway Restaurant all over his chair and the floor. (That was not long after all this happened and we discovered, the hard way, that we needed something better than
pull-up for adults for him.)
After telling the manager what had happened Trammell & I then had to unpack a suitcase, search for dry pants then not only change David's diaper but his clothes too, in the Subway restroom.
Oh yes, the list goes on.

So as you travel this CHRISTmas Season be Kind to all those on the road. 
You have No Idea
WHAT They are dealing with.

Merry CHRISTmas
From The Byce Family

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Our CHRISTmas Miracle

This week's Blog is the documentary that was created for our family by our Wonderful Church,
Barefoot Church
in North Myrtle Beach.
Please go to our website at
and you will see our documentary on the opening page by clicking on
the first video.
We would like to take this opportunity to THANK EVERYONE at BAREFOOT CHURCH For This AWESOME MIRACLE!
We are humbled to know that the weekend that our story was aired at Barefoot, 101 souls where saved!
Merry CHRISTmas!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Change Is In The Air

I feel a change in the air.

It's called HOPE.

I believe GOD is working on a Plan.
A Huge Plan.

As our Documentary airs this weekend, beginning tonight, at
Barefoot Church and on the Worldwide Web, I believe this is
part of a Huge Plan God has been
working on for 7 years.

This CHRISTmas Morning will be the
7 year anniversary of when our lives
were turned upside down.  The beginning of a Testimony That God
Has Given us.  One that is to be used
to Touch Lives, to Change Lives, to Help Those Who Are Suffering, To Show Them What GOD CAN AND WILL DO IN THEIR LIVES.

For Everything HE Has Done,
Everything HE Is Doing
Everything HE Is Going To Do
In our lives.

I believe that this is
Just The Beginning.