Tuesday, January 29, 2013

DAY 41 OF 100 DAYS IN PARADISE - 329 Days until CHRISTmas

I start working on CHRISTmas in January.
It literally takes me that long, but I don't
mind because that keeps the CHRISTmas
Spirit in my heart All Year Long.

We don't do much for CHRISTmas 
these days compared to what we used
to do.
We used to go ALL OUT.  
*7 different trees with 7 different themes. 
*Every room in the house was magical.  
*All the Wonderful things we had going on a Church.
*Personalized CHRISTmas cards.  
*The 12 Days of CHRISTmas for Trammell.  
*The 12 Days of CHRISTmas for our Mail Lady.
*CHRISTmas parties. 
*Baking like there's no tomorrow.
*Riding around many nights looking at the lights.
*Going to the Peace Center and Bilo Center to catch a Holiday show.
*Going to what ever CHRISTmas movie was playing that year.
*Going to the Festival of Trees.
*Taking Chocolate (The Cat) to have her Santa picture made.
*Having a Birthday Party for Jesus for the neighborhood kids.
*I could go on and on.

Yes - I miss all that and I know Trammell does too.
Now each year we say, 
Next Year will be better.
Next year we will Celebrate.

Of course this year was the saddest CHRISTmas
we have ever had.  Losing both my parents in
the same year. My Mom in January and Daddy
the week before CHRISTmas.
Our family didn't even get together for CHRISTmas.

Maybe next year. 
CHRISTmas was ALWAYS my favorite Holiday.
Not just CHRISTmas Day but the entire Season.
And It has nothing to do with getting gifts.
I LOVE giving them.  
I can't describe the JOY it brings to me.  
That's why it breaks my heart so that I can't give to Trammell like we used to.  
He knows why and he never complains.
Each year I tell him I'll make up for it next year.
He always says the same thing. 
"I'm not worried about me, I just worry about you Mom."

He's the most Wonderful Gift God has ever given to me.

I always started preparing for CHRISTmas right after the New Year.  
I wanted to have all the gift making and shopping done by the time 
Thanksgiving rolled around so I could really enjoy
doing for others and doing fun things with Family
and Friends when the Season arrived.

Things have really changed during the past six years.

We only put up one tree now, with a few ornaments Trammell
and I made and picked up at Goodwill.

I do still like to put together a group of gifts for each family member.

1. Something I have made.
(This year it was handmade CHRISTmas Stockings)

2. Something that helps our environment.
(This year it was BRITA Water Filter System Bottles)

3. Something corky.
(This year it was a bamboo Back Scratchers)

4. Something sweet to eat.
(This year candy bars and candy canes)

5. Something Spiritual.
(This year it was a small calendar with Bible Verses)

I didn't spend much at all.
The stocking I made from scraps of cloth I already had.

The BRITA Bottles, Trammell found on Amazon.com 
3 for $25 with free shipping. They even came with an extra filter.

The back scratchers and calendars I found on orientaltrading.com
by the dozen. Less than $1 each.

And the candy came from Sam's Club
 One box took care of everyone. 

 I have learned to knit and I'm making really cool
winter caps for everyone for next CHRISTmas.
Hoping to get them done by spring, maybe mid summer.
I only get to work on them late at night or in the 
early morning SO time will tell.

In the mean time I'll keep that CHRISTmas Spirit burning
in my heart as I create each one.

Luke 1:14 
You will have great JOY and GLADNESS, and many


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