Friday morning as I stood at the cash register at our local Sam's Store, trying to fight the lump in my throat and the tears begging to be released from my eyes, as I paid for our groceries, realizing as I swiped my debit card, that there would be no money left to pick up my much needed RXs for my thyroid
and my stomach and that our family would be left with only $19 to survive until the 3rd of next month, I could only Pray.
This was so unlike me to be this emotional over something like this. I am guessing after being so sick for the previous week I was just worn down.
Month after month, since our Nightmare began our family has run out of funds about halfway through the month.
But month after month God has continued to carry us through. We've seen MIRACLE after MIRACLE unfold. HE has showered us with BLESSING after BLESSING.
And this day was no exception.
Even though the day got worse for a while, by the end of the day not only did I have my RXs and $100 in our checking account BUT I received a call from the Promotion Company that sends people to give out samples and promote products in all the Sam's stores, asking me to come in for an interview.
An awesome thing was only minutes before the call I was thinking about the application I had filled out for them weeks earlier. I had never heard back.
I thought to myself I would look up the info, get their number and give them a call BUT before I could do that, they called me.
Our God Is Truly
If I get this job, which the gentleman who called said he was almost 100% sure I would, this will mean so much for our family.
I'll have only a 5 minute drive to work.
Trammell will take over caring for David for the 24 hours a week I'll be working.
I know God will give me the strength and energy I need to do this.
Isaiah 65:24
I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers.
Quick UPDATE -